Saturday, October 13, 2012

HerStory (Short Film) Trailer 2.0


I am the worst blogger ever, but I am trying to get better. I can't possibly want anyone to follow me until I get it together... So, to my two followers thank you and I apologize...
I have been working hard as usual and the writing work is coming along. I pray for the day someone finds one of my scripts lying around and decides to hire me as a writer. Steady work is what I want. I am not looking to make the next blockbuster hit, but if it happens then so be it. I am like the next man surviving and making it work.
Since my last post I have been the script supervisor on the set of two more movies, Shades of Grey (not the 50 Shades of Grey), but a film short about a woman who begins to confuse real and fiction after being shot.

The other is called HerStory. Check out the trailer above.  I had the pleasure of working with a great bunch of folks to include Chris Moore rising writer/producer among other things.  Sasha Thumper learns what happens when you succum to peer pressure and sacrifices her most precious possession.

I haven't worked in months since the project, but I have several scripts I am working on and come hell or high water I will get my book done and published.  So, be on the lookout for Camouflage: An Army Tale.
More to come on the writing front and be sure to check out my website at for your writing needs. 

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