Friday, February 5, 2016

The Reel Jules: My Interview with Nurse, Philanthropist & Actress Jules Nobles


Entering into 2016 has been stressful to say the least, but it was positively refreshing to start off the year with a meet up and girl talk with one of my favorite people, actress, Jules Nobles.  On a sunny and cold day in New York, we ate hardy at swanky Peaches Restaurant in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn, where Nobles now calls home.  I had a chance to catch up with her and get the scoop on her move to New York, managing dual careers and how she is using her platform to pay it forward.

Nobles and I met on the set of feature film, A Family on Edge.  The majority of the crew were set virgins, but we shot in true indie guerrilla fashion, finishing in 15 days.  Nobles was the lead actress and I was the script supervisor.  Despite the grueling schedule we had a great time.  Our interaction was always professional, yet we managed to connect on a deeper level.  We formed a quiet bond which grew stronger through a few years of Facebook contact and an induction into my family, the Brown family #BBT.  It was great to lay eyes on her again.  I wanted to see for myself how my hometown was treating her.


Nobles looked lovely as ever, healthy and was her completely happy self.  I told her how great she looked.  Nobles shared with me that she was told all of the horror stories about New York folk.  She was going to, in her own words, "Come to New York, hate it and leave."  She was going to make her way to California afterwards.  To her surprise, the people were more inviting and accommodating than she could have imagined.  The MTA has taken a bit of getting used to, but Nobles' determination to get it right will help her conquer the transit systems intricacies. She also revealed keeping in the state of mind of a tourist assists in combating the negative aspects that some fall into living in New York.  Nobles does something new and different at least once a week.  Nobles and her "guy" as she refers to him take in the sites, sporting events, museums and the such to combat downtime.  For all the men that love Ms. Nobles from afar, I have to the bearer of bad news.  Yes, she is spoken for.



Nobles' altruism is displayed in her profession as a nurse.  She extends her selflessness to the two top hospitals in New York. The great part about that is she can be of service to those in need and with a flexible schedule has been able to successfully manager her career as an actress. Nobles has showcased her talents in many sectors of the independent film industry. With several films, commercials and TV shows to her credit, A Family on Edge and The 4th Quarter, my favorite is a comedy titled Uncommon Law.  Check out her reel on her website at


Adding to her already many layers, Nobles is a philanthropist.  On her recent visit to her hometown of Waynesboro, Mississippi, she and her beau decided to sponsor 100 kids through a holiday giveaway that included insulated gloves and hats, bible scriptures and candy. The event was headlined and televised on WDAM Channel 7 News TV station Hattiesburg.  What was supposed to be a small gesture of giving back to her city turned out to be a big to do.  Family, friends and her church came out to lend their support. It is Nobles' goal to do it again for the 2016 holiday season and they plan on doing it even bigger this year.

At the end of a delicious brunch, I decided to Periscope the end of our interview.  Listen, as Nobles answers questions about making moves from indie artist to mainstream, what actor she wants to work with, her opinions about the Oscars and what is next for her.

FYI:  Periscope is a live broadcast and viewers can send messages during the broadcast. Hence, my saying thank you during Nobles commentary.

I am very proud of Jules Nobles.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for her.  I don't want to forget to mentioned that she hosted Fashion Week for Brooklyn and Jersey City.  It has been a pleasure following her career and witnessing  her upward movement.  Filmmakers Lab wishes you continued blessings and success.  

(If you are in the New York area check out Peaches in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn.  See my upcoming blog post on a review of the upscale eatery.)  Write on!

Credit for Post Title:  Karma Brown

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